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What Values Guide you As A Leader – Leadership Tips -Episode 101 – Sannah Vinding
Explore essential leadership values in Episode 101 of the Leadership in Manufacturing Podcast with Sannah Vinding. Learn from industry experts like Tobi Cornell, Rob Brunson, and others as they share insights on honesty, authenticity, and team building in the manufacturing sector. Listen now for actionable tips to enhance your leadership skills
A strategy process is the perfect vehicle to shape culture – Alex Brueckmann – Episode 20
Many leaders struggle with strategy. Understanding the key steps in strategy implementation is critical to being a successful and effective leader within your company.
How Does Lean Construction Help Companies Become More Efficient? John Zachara – Episode 19
How Does Lean Construction Help Companies Become More Efficient?
What is Lean Construction? The main difference between lean construction and traditional approaches is that lean construction looks for opportunities to improve efficiency rather than just trying to reduce cost.
KPIs have not evolved, the way we use KPI’s has evolved – Jeff Smith – Episode 18
What are KPIs and what do they mean and how can you use them to improve performance? First of all, KPIs are not targets to be hit, they help you identify areas where improvements need to be made so you can focus your efforts accordingly.
Agile, It’s all about plan-do-check-act – Ricardo Liberato – Episode 17
Episode 17 – Ricardo Liberato
If you’re only trying things that succeed. You’re not going to innovate Why is agile important for a learning organization? Agile is about teaching the mindset that we are always questioning what we are doing.
How do you build a people centric culture? Jared Allmond – Episode 16
Episode 16 – Jared Allmond
The importance of being a people-centric organization How do you build a people-centric culture? you start with aligning with people’s values. The culture is the secret sauce and it is unique for every business
Coach to inspire and to learn – Andy Skipper
Episode 15 – Andy Skipper
Encouraging coaching and mentorship are key components when managing modern employees. The right skills play a critical role in driving future success and it is all about asking the right questions, empower employees, provide feedback, know each individual’s strengths and be a great listener. Coach to inspire — and to learn.
Lean-Agile Mindset – Steve Stucky
Episode 14 – Steve Stucky
How can you radically reduce idea-to-market cycle times? How do you build sustainable, profitable growth for the business through better product development and the elimination of waste? Learn more about lean/agile methodology and why lean product development is not about cost reduction.
Failing fast and fail forward – Sudhanshu Srivastava
Episode 13 – Sudhanshu Srivastava
What is the secret sauce for a successful product launch? The secret is to create a knowledge-intensive company where there is a dynamic between knowledge creation and knowledge sharing across the entire company.
I tech them how to actually think – Fred Leland
Episode 12 – Fred Leland
How can decision making and problems solving skills be improved? What is sense-making teaching/learning and can it helps us to solve problems better? Learn how to help your people work together more effectively by changing your way of teaching.
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