Episode 14

How a Lean-Agile Mindset and Practices can Improve your Product Development Outcome

by | Jun 18, 2021 | Leadership

How can you radically reduce idea-to-market cycle times? How do you build sustainable, profitable growth for the business through better product development and the elimination of waste? Learn more about lean/agile methodology and why lean product development is not about cost reduction


Sannah Vinding



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Steve Stucky

Sudhanshu Srivastava

Sudhanshu Srivastava

President MN Chapter PDMA | Business Owner | Agile / Lean Product Development Coach, Helping Businesses Drive Profitable Growth

Steve Stucky has more than +30 years of product development experience within the industrial manufacturing and medical device industry. He is known for improving product development performance, driving organic growth, and building highly effective teams. He is an Agile/Lean Product Development Coach and also the president of the Minneapolis Chapter PDMA.

There’s a lot of waste in most business’s product development practices, and it’s about focusing on how to make sure that teams can deliver what’s important for the business in a shorter cycle time than they were able to do today.

Steve Stucky

Listen to Steve Stucky talk about Lean-Agile methodology and how he employs a multi-layer approach to improve product development focusing on changes needed at the Process, Practice, and Pipeline layers. He shares his holistic approach on how the Lean-Agile methodology incorporates elements of both continuous delivery and continuous improvement, optimized across the entire value stream.

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