Episode 29

Your strength as a leader comes from yourself.

by | Jan 18, 2022 | Leadership

Leadership is about helping people to realize their potential. If you want to lead, you must learn to listen. People often think that leaders are born, not made. But leadership is learned. Leaders are learners. They learn from experience, from mistakes, from successes, from other people. They learn from themselves and from each other. They learn to ask questions, to seek answers, to understand why things happen.
Communication is an essential skill to have because leaders must communicate effectively with their team members, stakeholders, and other leaders. This includes communicating clearly, concisely, and often. Leaders also need to listen well and respond appropriately to their team members, stakeholders and other leaders. In addition, leaders must be able to manage conflict and resolve issues quickly.


Sannah Vinding



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Stacey Ashley

Stacey Ashley Mind the Innovation Podcast

Stacey Ashley

Leadership Expert | Speaker | Leadership Coach to C-Suite & Executive Leaders | Elevate the Practice of Leadership | Teaching Leaders to Coach | Leader as Coach | Author | Mentor

High-Performance Leadership and Coaching Expert.

Leadership is about helping people to bring those gifts out and really help people to realize their potential.

Contact Stacey via Linkedin

Stacy Ashley talks about how you need to be connected, have the skill set to connect to yourself because your strength as a leader comes from yourself. She talks about how you must be able to contribute as a leader and provide leadership to the people who are looking to you for leadership.

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