Episode 42

Challenges around entrepreneurship (the good, the bad and the ugly side).

There’s no doubt that entrepreneurship is exciting and rewarding. But there’s also a lot of hard work involved. And sometimes that hard work isn’t glamorous at all. That’s why curiosity is important. Curiosity helps you understand the not glamorous side of entrepreneurial life.


Sannah Vinding




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Eric Lo

Eric Lo

Eric Lo

CEO and Co-founder at Krado Inc.

An experienced entrepreneur, skilled in Software Engineering, Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology. Strong business development professional with a result-driven focus on taking ideas and making them into products.

The biggest thing you have to do is believe in yourself. That’s the biggest hurdle.

Eric Lo

To learn more about Krado Click Here

Eric talks about the “pretty” and “ugly” sides of entrepreneurship and shares his experience when starting Krado (a plant care startup using data from sensors, and guidance from expert growers).
He talks about the one thing you really need as an entrepreneurial person is curiosity, you need to be interested in the unknown and want to dive deep into it, this is the most important thing for you to keep yourself alive in this business.
Eric also talks about the need for entrepreneurs to be “on their feet” learn new things constantly and adapt to constant rapid changes.

Key takeaways

Entrepreneurship is a journey of learning

The biggest thing you need to do is believe in your ability to succeed. That’s the biggest obstacle.

Failing means you’re pushing hard. Failing means you’re learning.

When you’re curious about something, you ask questions. You don’t just sit back and take things for granted. You explore, experiment, and try different approaches. Curiosity also means being willing to explore new ideas, new ways of thinking, and new experiences. Entrepreneurship is a journey, and you need to be open to exploring new paths, new places, and new people.
In short, curiosity makes you better prepared for entrepreneurship.

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