Mar 13, 2021 | Company Culture, Leadership, Management
Episode 6 The Role of Leadership in Changing Organizational Culture Every employee impacts an organization’s direction, but leadership has by far the largest and most direct effect on company culture. At the end of the day, leaders are the ones who can make or...
Dec 19, 2020 | Leadership, Management
Episode 2 It’s all about the people – become better problem solvers. With lean we talk about how we want things to be simple. You are making things easier for people, either making it easier for your customer or the work easier for your employees or...
Nov 27, 2020 | Leadership, Management
Episode 1 Passion for lean product development Many leaders struggle with strategy. Understanding the key steps in strategy implementation is critical to being a successful and effective leader within your company. Host Sannah Vinding Guest Bob Melvin Episode E1 Bob...