Episode 53

Why experience-centric design and cross-cultural design really matter!

In today’s global economy, there is a growing need for companies to design products that appeal to consumers across cultures.

When developing products for international markets, it is important to understand cultural differences between countries. For example, people in Japan may not appreciate the same things as Americans.

This means that businesses must take into account the needs of their target audience before they begin development.

When designing a digital product, there are certain things you need to consider before launching it into the wild. One thing that should never go overlooked is cultural sensitivity.

I invited Gleb Kuznetsov to be a guest on Mind The Innovation Leadership Podcast to discuss continuous innovation and cross-cultural design challenges.


Sannah Vinding


Gleb Kuznetsov



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Key takeaways

Brands should consider experience centric design and cross cultural design when they launch their products or services internationally.
Innovation isn’t just about creating new products or offering new service offerings; it’s about changing the ways people think and act.
Make sure to complete your research and discovery phase by listening to different opinions from different departments and different types of people.

But for me, the innovation is when you basically making people’s life better.

Gleb Kuznetsov

Companies need to constantly innovate and adapt to changes in their market.

Companies need to constantly innovate and adapt to changing customer needs. However, when designing new products, there are certainly cultural differences between different countries and regions that must be considered.
When creating a new product, it’s important to consider not only what customers might want, but also what they expect. That means understanding the culture and customs of the market where your product will be sold.

When designing for cross-culturally diverse markets, there are some things you should keep in mind. In this podcast episode, we’ll take a look at what makes up a successful cross-cultural design strategy.
Designing for different cultures requires a unique set of skills. As designers, our job is to create beautiful designs that work across all types of platforms.
But when working with international clients, we need to understand their culture and adapt our designs accordingly.

Cross-cultural design

Cross-cultural design is a challenge for any designer working internationally. There are many factors involved in creating a successful product launch, such as understanding the culture of the country in which you’re designing, knowing the language of the consumers, and having a clear idea of what kind of product you’re trying to sell. These challenges are compounded by the fact that different countries have different standards for what constitutes good design. Some cultures prefer minimalism, others like bold colors and patterns, and still others appreciate simplicity. Understanding these preferences and incorporating them into your designs can help ensure that your products appeal to local tastes and customs.

Color plays an important role in conveying cultural meanings when creating digital experiences.

Colors play a huge role in conveying cultural messages when designing digital experiences. There are many different cultures around the world, and each one has its own set of beliefs and traditions. These beliefs and traditions influence everything from clothing choices to food preferences. Color plays a big part in these decisions, and designers should take advantage of this by incorporating culturally appropriate colors into their designs.

Innovation is a complex process involving many different factors

Innovation is a process that involves many different factors, such as technology, design, and human interaction. However, it’s impossible to innovate without taking into account the perspective of others. Diversity is a critical part of any innovative project, and it’s something that we should embrace. We should strive to understand the needs of our consumers and employees and incorporate these insights into our designs and processes. By understanding the ways in which people around the world behave differently, we can improve our products and services to meet their needs. This leads to innovations that are truly universal.

You have to remember that Innovation is not just about new products or services – it’s about changing the way things work. Companies should embrace cultural diversity in order to remain competitive.

Innovation thrives when there are different points of view. In fact, it’s been proven that diversity of thought breeds creativity and inspires innovation. A study conducted by researchers at Stanford University found that teams composed of individuals with different backgrounds and experiences outperformed those comprised of members with similar backgrounds.

Experience-centered design is a critical component of innovation because it focuses on creating experiences that are meaningful and memorable. By focusing on the end result rather than the process, designers are able to create innovative solutions that solve real problems. This type of design is especially important in industries like healthcare, education, retail, and hospitality, where consumers expect high levels of service and convenience. These businesses are constantly innovating by developing new ways to improve the overall experience for their customers.

Understanding the cultural nuances

Brands should consider experience-centered design and cross-cultural design when launching products or services internationally. This includes understanding the cultural nuances of each market, including language, customs, values, beliefs, and more. In addition, it’s important to test your designs with an international audience to ensure you are creating something that works well across cultures.

We basically complete the discovery phase where we have a holistic strategy, we know where we’re headed, we know why we’re heading there, and we hear different opinions from various departments and different types of individuals.

Gleb Kuznetsov

People from different cultures use technology differently.

If you’re working on a product design project, remember that culture plays a huge role in how people use technology. For example, many Asian countries have very specific ideas about how their phones should look and feel. They also tend to prefer apps over websites because they like to interact directly with the app itself. On the flip side, Westerners often prefer to browse through websites rather than use apps. This means that you may need to take into account cultural differences when creating new products.

Gleb Kuznetsov

Gleb Kuznetsov

Gleb Kuznetsov

Cofounder & Creative Designer at Milk Inside

Design executive and venture capitalist. Visual design and user experience including operating systems for mobile, wearables, TV, automotive / transportation HMI, IoT, and multiscreen platforms.

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